

Heartland FC observes with total shock and dismay ,a publication by the LMC whose contents connotes a ban on the club for breach of contracts for two players namely Maduabuchi Okereke and Fatunwase Alfred Olusegun on cumulative claims of over 16 million naira.
Heartland management wishes to categorically state the following

1. Heartland were not informed about this matter thus they were not given fair hearing. The secretariat of the club have in time past had cause to exchange correspondence with the LMC, the LA LIGA conference being the most recent of such. Heartland would not have received such a serious mail and kept mute about it. Especially as it concerns the very prestigious image of club who prides itself in due diligence to laid down processes.
2. The players in question according to the write up were contracted in 2018, that was before this management emerged in 2019. They are unknown to the current management led by Chief Barr. Charles Ezekwem.
One would expect that since government is continuum the afore mentioned players through their representatives would have approached the current management with their facts, before embarking on a calculated journey to embarrass ,malign and cause reputational damage to our great Club.
HEARTLAND’S secretariate has dossiers of all contracts of players currently being on her employ not forgetting those who left the club through mutual agreements.
There was no way the management would have heard about the case of the two Messrs without at least making an inquest into the remote cause of the problem.

3. Heartland is yet to receive the mail with the sanctions as at close of work yesterday 20th February 2020.
The club only got to learn about the sanctions from social media that was awash with the story.
Let us categorically state the Heartland neither got the purported letter of 28th January, nor the complaint of the complainants or the so called BAN of the club which was trending on the social media yesterday.
We therefore urge the IT department of the LMC to investigate how these mails failed to get to Heartland FC .

4. Heartland FC have always complied with every LMC directive since inception. So it begs the question as to why follow up letters weren’t sent and efforts weren’t made to formally copy the chairman or General Manager just to be sure that the correspondence got to its desired destination with the view getting a response from the club.
It is certain that this is a deliberate attempt by our naysayers and detractors to distract the club from her focus and goals this season.
One of such is a dubious agent whose players are no longer on the books of the club , he had previously plundered the club in connivance with the previous management hence such a cowardly act to get back at Heartland.
We appeal to our fans to be calm as the present management is focused and committed towards uplifting the fortunes and image of our club.

Conclusively, we shall depend on the well thought professional legal representatives for sound decisions concerning this matter. It is our hope that the club be given a fair hearing.
HEARTLAND LMC BAN A REJOINDER HEARTLAND LMC BAN A REJOINDER Reviewed by Chinecherem on 9:59:00 am Rating: 5

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