
US Embassy Refutes Denying Bishop Oyedepo Visa

In a post on Twitter on Friday via @USEmbassyAbuja, the US said the information was false.
the embassythe United States of America in Nigeria has debunked reports that Bishop Oyedepo, founder of the Living Faith Church, was denied visa to the US.
In a post on Twitter on Friday via @USEmbassyAbuja, the US said the information first published by Thisday Newspapers was false. 
The tweet reads, "#FalseNews Alert! Be advised, the reports making the rounds about a visa being denied to Nigerian Bishop Oyedepo are false.
"If you have seen this manufactured item in the media, help defeat this #misinformation by communicating to everyone that it is completely false."
US Embassy Refutes Denying Bishop Oyedepo Visa US Embassy Refutes Denying Bishop Oyedepo Visa Reviewed by Mr. Poster on 5:34:00 pm Rating: 5

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