
how to make money online

making money online

How to make money on the internet using either blog/website. This simply means ads(advertising), making money on the internet, by advertising companies goods and services (local or international), can help some one to be a millionaire.

With this method, you must be a website designer/blogger in professional level. This simply means you must have your own home page, (website/blog), you know about affiliate program .
These affiliate program enable you to create a dash board that will enable you to know the amount of people that clicks/ or visit a particular web page or blog, this also shown the amount pay per click on ads. This shows the commission one get by advertising goods on he/her web page/blog.
Now before you start this affiliate program, you must know how much the company pays per clicking(ppc), know how much commission you have per goods purchase through your web page/blog, e.g an online store that enables online users to buy and sell goods and services online, such as buying and selling of mobile phones, laptops,clothes, shoes and book, they also allow online users to sell their products online.

 Amazon pays much commission in affiliate, this enable online users to benefit more from the internet, and became richer. Amazon pays the amount of $0.25 us dollars per clicking and also pay commissions according to what is bought through your web page/blog, they also promote the hard working online users that want to summit total to their company.
Now check it out, if your country/state is suffering from economy recession, this can help even when there is no economy recession in your country when it come the situation whereby you are having close to 6000 viewers per month, you can earn from your affiliate pertner and also earn from your host.
Let's make some calculation, according to the daily basis of the currency check how much those $1 us dollar cost in your currency.
For now $1 us dollars is worth N400 naira, for the nigerians as example, 6000x0.25=  $1500 us dollar, N400 x $1500 us dollars = N600000 naira, just for only 1 month, this is wonderful business for them that understand the profit. so don't waste time any more look for something to do now...
Click here, to get few tips on how to create a website..
how to make money online how to make money online Reviewed by Mr. Poster on 3:35:00 am Rating: 5

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